

Russia intends to formulate technical regulations for baking bread

Release date:2019/02/20 Browsing volume:3958 Source: Shandong province and Tai Wei run Food Technology Co., Ltd.

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"Whole grain bread and bread with other ingredients are part of a healthy diet. Sales of this type of bread are increasing every year, but Russian sales are increasing," Maxim Protasov, head of Russia's quality system Roskachestvo, told the newspaper during the Sochi Forum, according to the Russian National Daily. There is no document defining the concept and composition of "cereal bread" or "whole wheat bread", in which case the product packaging can only be written as cereal bread or whole wheat bread.

"We will conduct a global study of this product category in 2019 and will carefully study Russian baked cereal bread, learn a lot from international standards, and clearly formulate the requirements of this kind of bread." Maxim Protasov said.