

Correct Use of Food Additives

Release date:2018/12/27 Browsing volume:12126 Source: Shandong province and Tai Wei run Food Technology Co., Ltd.


From the food additives manufacturer and Tyverun, we know that the compound food additives have some excellent properties. Production practice has proved that the compound use of food additives can produce synergistic and synergistic effects, or derive some new effects. The use of compound food additives can not only reduce the amount of food additives, but also further improve the quality and safety of food. The use of compound food additives has produced good economic and social benefits.

The use of compound food additives has become a trend and direction. Food additive manufacturers and users need to strengthen the research on the production and application technology of compound food additives, and develop more and more effective resources of compound food additives to meet the needs of the growing food industry.

Food additives play an important role in modern food industry. It plays an important role in improving the color, aroma, taste and processing conditions of food, improving the quality of food and prolonging the shelf life of food. It is called the soul of modern food industry and has great market development potential.

With the development and improvement of the application technology of food additives, people are more and more widely used in the application of food additives, that is, compound food additives. The compound use of food additives can overcome the shortcomings of single material and give full play to the advantages of each component material. The use of food additives is often more effective than that of single food additives.

Compound Use of Food Additives in Practical Production

1. Compound Use of Preservatives

All kinds of preservatives have their own scope of action, and the combined use has synergistic effect, which can expand the scope of bacteriostasis and improve the effect of bacteriostasis. Acidic preservatives can be used in conjunction with salts and esters of the same kind of acids, or with long-acting preservatives (such as calcium propionate, sodium propionate, sodium benzoate) and fast-acting but poor-durable preservatives (such as hydrogen peroxide). These two ways can enhance the effect of preservatives. Another way to compound preservatives is to use them together with synergists, such as citric acid, EDTA, ascorbic acid and so on. It also has good antiseptic properties.

2. Compound Use of Thickener

Using the synergistic effect of various food colloids and the method of compound colloids, a variety of compound colloids can be produced to meet the different requirements of food production. For example, xanthan gum and konjac glucomannan can be used to form gel even at lower concentration.

3. Compound use of bulking agent

Compound bulking agent is mainly used in convenience food and baked food in the market. Among them, acidic salts with appropriate gas production rate are selected according to product requirements, such as sodium bicarbonate decomposes slowly in wet air or hot air to produce carbon dioxide, and strongly decomposes to produce carbon dioxide when acidic, which is a good loosening agent. Potassium hydrogen tartrate is an acidic salt with stable properties. Sodium bicarbonate is mixed with potassium hydrogen tartrate. Among them, potassium hydrogen tartrate reacts with carbonate in the compound bulking agent to reduce the alkalinity of the finished product to ensure its quality. Besides, an important role is to control the reaction speed in the process of gas production. Using the decomposition characteristics of acid salts to control the gas production process of the bulking agent can fully improve the ability of the bulking agent.

4. Compound use of sweeteners

Single sweeteners have their own advantages and disadvantages, such as low price of cyclamate, but they also have bitter taste and poor acid resistance. Ansai honey has a higher price, but its sweet taste is refreshing, its duration is longer and it is more stable to acid and heat, but it needs to be limited in use. However, the combination of several sweeteners can compensate for or conceal bad taste and improve flavor, and can also play a synergistic role in improving sweetness, such as the combination of cyclamate with saccharin, sucrose, or other sweeteners.

5. Compound use of stabilizer and coagulant

Compound stabilizers and coagulants are stabilizers and coagulants manufactured from more than two kinds of processing. For example, as a new type of tofu stabilizer and solid agent, the tofu made from lactone has good texture and high value, but the lactone tofu is soft and not suitable for frying. Therefore, the formulation of lactone-based composite stabilizer and coagulant can not only maintain the taste of lactone tofu, but also increase the hardness of lactone tofu.

6. Use of Compound Emulsifier and Coagulant

Compound Emulsifying Stabilizers and coagulants refer to the mixtures of several single stabilizers and coagulants and emulsifiers in a certain proportion. The stabilizers and coagulants used in ice cream include animal stabilizers and coagulants, plant stabilizers and coagulants. To make ice cream, it is necessary to control and stabilize the agglomeration of fat balls in order to improve the stability, shape retention, swelling rate, melting ability, taste, structure, shape and texture of ice cream. However, it is impossible to obtain and maintain these properties by emulsifier alone, and other stabilizers and coagulants are often needed. The most commonly used stabilizers and coagulants are various hydrophilic colloids, such as gelatin, sophora bean gum, carob gum, alginate gum, carrageenan and xanthan gum.

Requirements for Compound Food Additives

The amount of compound food additives converted into single food additives shall not exceed the maximum amount of the additives prescribed by the national food safety standards [the proportion of each food additive with the same function (the same color colorant, preservative, antioxidant) in the mixed use shall not exceed 1% of the maximum amount of the additives]. Food enterprise producers, Adequate knowledge of food additives must be acquired, and strict production in accordance with regulations will take place during the use of food additives.

Through the combination of food additives, the amount of a single additive can be reduced, which not only enhances the effect, but also reduces the side effects. At the same time, compound can simplify the use of food additives, thereby reducing accidents and prejudices in use, which is particularly suitable for food enterprises with weak technical level.